Here is a simple description how to set up such tunnel with quite smart resuming.
Nothing new here. We want be able to SSH from compA to compB, but compB is behind firewall/NAT, so it is not possible in a normal way (ie ssh compB - red arrow). Thus we have to set up SSH tunnel. Still: nothing new:
On compB:
ssh -R 19999:localhost:22 username@compA
Then on compA we can ssh to compB this way:
ssh localhost -p 19999 -v -l username(where 19999 is a port, can be another big number)
But what if SSH connection from compB to compA is lost? We will not be able to connect from compA to compB. Thus, we have to make sure, that this connection (B to A) will be resumed in case of connection lost or system reboot.
How to
On compB:- Enable ssh logging from compB to compA without password (there is a lot of howtos: google it)
- Create auto connection script
#!/bin/bash REMOTEUSER=username REMOTEHOST=compA #compA IP SSH_REMOTEPORT=22 SSH_LOCALPORT=19999 COMMAND="$SSH_LOCALPORT:localhost:22 $REMOTEUSER@$REMOTEHOST" a=`ps -fe | grep "$COMMAND" | grep -v grep` if [ ! "$a" ]; then echo "No connection" ssh -o TCPKeepAlive=yes -fN -R $COMMAND date >> tunnel.log else echo "Connected" fi
- Add it to crontab, eg:
*/5 * * * * 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
Better use autossh